

Prices, opening times and dates

Closed Monday - except during school holidays. We are open seven days a week during February half term, and again during Easter holidays.

AdultChild 4+ToddlerBabiesSenior 65+
£15.00 £15.00 £12.00 Free £12.00


Helpful hints 

The park is all-inclusive. You pay one price and use the activities as much as you like throughout the day. Events and additional activities can be found here:/events

Please note Tractor rides and some water activities are available April - August only. The maze (once grown) is an extra activity available during July/ August.

During wet weather or windy conditions, we may temporarily close an activity to ensure your safety. 

All children under the age of 16 need to be accompanied by an adult due to the nature of the activities.

Socks are mandatory for indoor use.